Sunday, October 21, 2018

Edinburgh Printers Can Produce A Huge Range Of Items

If you are looking for printing services in Edinburgh, you only need to run a search on Google and you will find many pages of them. Some of them are only small businesses, but you will find others that can print a vast range of different items, and what’s more, some of the printers offer a same day service for many products. This is ideal if you are a university student and you need to get your thesis printed and bound in a hurry.

When we think of printing, we have a tendency to think of something on a sheet of paper, or a book. However, today some printers can print on anything at all including things such as mugs, t-shirts, badges, flags, huge great outdoor banners, passport photos – in fact you can get almost anything that you can think of printed. This can set your imagination going: suppose your daughter is returning from university with a doctorate? You could have a banner printed and stretch it across your front garden in order to welcome her home. Now that would definitely make it a day to remember.

If you have a retail shop, you could make much more use of posters in the window. You can use them to promote all sorts of different things – special offers, sales, new lines that have just arrived, and much more. It is just a question of being a bit creative, coming up with an idea for a design, and then taking it to the printer to have it produced.

Designing And Selling T-Shirts Can Be Profitable

If you are a creative type of individual, you may very well like to try your hand at designing t-shirts. It is a fact that t-shirts sell by the hundreds of thousands: if you go online and look at a business such as Etsy and search for t-shirts they have over 250 pages of them, and there are 16 designs on every page! That’s over 4,000 t-shirts on one website alone. 

So, yes, designing and selling t-shirts can be a very profitable enterprise, and there are several t-shirt printers in Edinburgh who can print your t-shirts for you. However, there are some things to bear in mind. If a great design just comes into your head that’s one thing, but more often than not you will find it isn’t quite that simple. You can sketch your basic idea on paper, then perhaps create some variations. Go for a walk. Sleep on it. Then do it again the next day until you know you have got it right.

You need to think about your market too. Who is your customer? Young? Old? Male? Female? When it comes down to it, you are designing a piece of clothing that someone is going to wear so you need to understand your target market.

Some of the best-selling designs are in a simple format and use subtle humour. You also need to choose your colours with care, and you can find plenty of good tutorials about Photoshop to help you with them so that you can create a great-selling t-shirt with the help of t-shirt printing in Edinburgh.