Thursday, March 26, 2020

Some Things To Consider When You Need A Sign Made

Signs are a part of everyday life, and we see them everywhere. Even if you live in an area that is completely residential, there are still signs such as the street name sign at the end of your street. The house next door may be up for sale, and the estate agent will put up a sign. The house across the road may have a poster up in the window promoting the church fete.

Signs come in many different shapes and sizes, and the chief purpose is to convey a message, issue an instruction, or promote something. So you might see a sign which says “Turn left here” or “No entry”. Another may display the opening hours of your local supermarket. Yet another may be promoting a special offer.

If you need a sign made by one of the sign makers in Edinburgh, there are some points that you need to consider. The first is the purpose: what is the sign trying to say? Who is the sign directed at? This is important, because if, for example, it is directed at car or lorry drivers there is only a limited amount of time for them to read the sign. How long is the sign needed? It may be permanent, such as the name of your store, or it may be temporary, advertising a theatrical performance for a week.

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T-Shirt Printing In Edinburgh

T-shirt printing has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years, and the demand continues to grow. The list of possible uses for T-shirts is never-ending, and you can use a T-shirt to get any message across succinctly that you wish to present. This means that T-shirts are an ideal means of identifying your team at any sort of outdoor event, or for that matter indoors, with everyone wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with the same message.

In a similar fashion, you might be taking part in a team race for charity, such as a ten-mile run, for example. You could also be having a special promotion at your retail store with all your staff wearing a T-shirt with the same message. Equally, you could use T-shirts for fun events such as a stag weekend.

Of course, T-shirt printers in Edinburgh can print any sort of message on the front or back, or both, and include any type of image as well. This can be in one colour, two colours, or full colour - it’s up to you. What is important is to get a good quality printer who uses good quality materials. That means that cheapest is not always best. You need a printer who proof-reads the work before undertaking the printing process. The last thing that you need is a set of T-shirts with a spelling mistake or other error, and it can and does happen.

Many schools have teams for football, cricket, rugby, netball, lacrosse, and so on, and having a different coloured T-shirt for each team on sports days makes them easily identifiable. Many T-shirt printers will happily print just one garment or two, and this means that you can design a T-shirt for just you, or you and your partner, to wear to promote any message that you wish, such as a 10th wedding anniversary, for instance. You can also have a T-shirt printed with a joke on it, or really anything else that you wish, so long as it is not offensive. All your T-shirt printer will need is a computer file with the design on it, and instructions as to where on the garment you want it printed. This can include the sleeves if required.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The History Of The T-Shirt

The origin of the T-shirt dates back to the late 19th century when the first manufactured T-shirt was invented between 1898 and 1913, when the US Navy began to issue them as what the Americans call undershirts, and what we call vests. The actual term T-shirt was first used in 1920 by F. Scott Fitzgerald in his novel This Side of Paradise.

He wrote as follows: “So early in September, Amory, provided with ‘six suits summer underwear, six suits winter underwear, one sweater or T-shirt, one jersey, one overcoat, winter, etc,’ set out for New England, the land of schools.”

However, that aside, the T-shirt was still worn largely as a vest until 1950 when Marlon Brando wore one when playing Stanley Kowalski in A Streetcar Named Desire. This was followed in 1955 by James Dean doing the same in Rebel Without a Cause. The result of this was that the wearing of T-shirts as an outer garment as opposed to a vest suddenly went through the roof, and in the 1960’s we had Flower Power – “Let it all hang out, man” - and the birth of screen printing which helped to turn the T-shirt industry into what it is today. 

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Don’t Make These Mistakes When Having A Sign Made

If you need a sign made you will need to look for sign makers in Edinburgh, and there are a number of them. Now many different enterprises use signs: they are absolutely everywhere. In fact, it is a fairly safe bet that wherever you are at any given moment, apart from in your own home, there will be signs. You could be in the pub having a quiet drink, but there will be signs to the toilets, signs to the escape routes, signs about their prices, signs about the rugby on Saturday afternoon - and that’s just in the pub!

When you need a sign created, there are some pitfalls that you should avoid, not the least of which is failing to make your message clear. Seriously, this happens quite a lot, as any sign maker will tell you. This is especially the case outdoors where people who see your sign may only have to or three seconds to read it if they are travelling in a car. Your message needs to be brief and to the point and tell the viewer what you want them to do. Visit your store, turn left into the car park, book a holiday, or whatever.

Another very common mistake is using the wrong colouring. You see this all the time on websites where someone thinks that it is “smart” to use white lettering on a black background. That has been proven to be 7% harder to read than black on white. Your sign needs a light background and darker lettering. There is nothing wrong with using lots of colour around the sign, but the message needs to be easy to read.

Another mistake is using a font which is not easily legible. There are lots and lots of fonts, and some are really very pretty close up but almost unreadable from a distance. You need to choose the font that you use very carefully. Furthermore, don’t use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS! You may think it makes your message stand out, but it doesn’t. It is harder to read, especially from a distance, than using upper and lower case.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Signage Printing Tips for Business Success

Signage is considered to be one of the most popular and cost-effective marketing tools for businesses. You can also use signage in Edinburgh to communicate a message to a specific group of individuals. A number of variables go into signage printing. If you want your signs to be effective, you have to make sure that they have a wow factor. In case you are looking to print signs, consider the following printing tips for attaining success.

Have a Clear Message
You must develop a clear, concise and attractive message to print on the signage, before you start with the printing process. The best signs are those that feature an easy-to-read message that the readers can understand. Your signage must be concise, but informative. Avoid being excessively wordy.

Carefully Choose the Location
The right location can be the difference between your signage being a huge success and a total failure. Before placing an order for signage printing, you must know the exact location that you decide to place the final design. You need to make sure to choose a location that is both appealing and attractive to consumers or your audience.

Pay Attention to Design Elements
The typography on your signs must be clean, simple and attention-grabbing. You can make use of bold fonts to attract the attention of your audience. Combine it with appealing colours so that your signage is simply hard to miss.

For professional help on signage printing, contact sign makers in Edinburgh.

What are the Benefits of Digital T-shirt Printing?

Digital t shirt printing in Edinburgh is a popular alternative to the conventional screen printing method. This new-age printing process allows for bespoke designed t-shirts that can represent your business in the most attractive way possible. Digital printing is also less time-consuming and quite affordable. Below given are some of the benefits of digital t-shirt printing.

  • Better efficiency: An increased level of efficiency is one of the biggest advantages of digital t-shirt printing. This means that you can produce a large number of t-shirts with much shorter turnaround time. You can also see the design of the t-shirts before it goes to print. Digital printing also offers you the chance to edit the design if you think something needs to be changed.
  • Good quality: Quality of the printed image on the t-shirt is one of the biggest concerns of most businesses. Thanks to digital printing, the prints are of a much higher resolution and that gives the t-shirts a cleaner and aesthetically appealing appearance.
  • Variation: Digital printing is not as labour-intensive as screen printing. So, you can choose to produce a small batch of shirts or print in bulk. You can even create different designs within your order and have them all completed in a single batch. With high-end digital t shirt printers in Edinburgh, printing t-shirts of multiple designs is not an issue.

So, do you need personalised t-shirts for promoting your business? You can talk to professional t-shirt printing companies offering digital printing solutions.

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Right Set of Questions to Ask Your Printing Company

Being a developing business in Edinburgh, you are required to use the services of a printing company either occasionally or regularly. Printing is an important element for the advertisement and promotion of brands and businesses. You will run across many companies that are printing in Edinburgh but to choose the right company, you need to ask some questions before making your decision:

How is the Print Quality?
You might be quoted unbelievably reasonable prices but how good is the print quality they offer? Do they use the standard printing materials to deliver good quality prints? A company that is capable of producing rich, sharp and vibrant coloured images is who you should trust.

Can you Meet the Deadline?
The importance of deadlines cannot be ignored. Whatever you want to be printed, be it cards, banners or T-shirts, you need an agency that provides printing services in Edinburgh with dedicated attention to on-time delivery.

Can the Service be Trusted?
Many print companies print all the work they have, together. This allows them to save a bit of the cost they incur but it also means that your orders are not getting personal attention. By choosing professional printing in Edinburgh, you can relax as your task will be given the attention it requires and will be printed perfectly.

These simple and straightforward questions will allow you to choose the best Edinburgh-based printing services. Get an estimate for what you want, fix the delivery date and order your work.