Thursday, August 2, 2018

Using Signs To Promote Your Business

Signs are everywhere. You can’t go to the end of your road without seeing a sign – with the name of the road on it. Signs are used for giving directions and for giving instructions, such as “no parking” signs or signs directing you to the parking meter payment point.

However, signs used for business purposes, while still signage in Edinburgh, are used to attract custom. Some signs are what are known as privilege signs which is a retail store sign provided by a manufacturer with the manufacturer’s branding on it. So you might see a pub with the name of the brewery next to the pub name. Coca-Cola uses a lot of privilege signs such as you might see at your local newsagents/convenience store.

Sign makers in Edinburgh also make a lot of signs for High Street businesses. You may want an elegant and stylish sign for your business or you may want something bold that will dominate your competition, or perhaps a combination of the two. If you need a sign for your business, you really need to sit down and discuss the various options with a sign maker. These companies make a considerable amount of signs – some do nothing else – and accordingly they have a lot of experience of what works and what doesn’t.

Of course, if your business is not on the High Street, but down a side street hidden from view, you can use signage to direct people to you. Some businesses may have a High Street position, but be prepared to rent you space on a side wall for the purpose. 

The Right Material To Use For Roller Banners

There is a very large market for roller banners of all types and the list of suppliers is almost endless. Indeed, if you search for “roller banners” on Google you get over 41 million results. Not only that, they are also unbelievably cheap. On eBay you can pick up a roller banner for under £30.

That’s fine if you only want to use it once for a particular meeting or fair. But if you want it for long term use then one of these cheap banner printers in Edinburgh is probably not where you should look.

The reason for this is that these cheap banners are printed on PVC. The actual frames are mass produced and cost very little, so the additional cost is in the printing. However, there are some problems with PVC, not the least of which is that it frays at the edges making it unusable. In theory it should be turned over at the edges in order to avoid fraying, but this is not possible because it’s a roller banner.

PVC also folds and curves easily which means that your banner can lose shape making it harder to read your message. Furthermore, it is sensitive to heat, so if you use it outside in the sun curving is even more likely.

Roller banner printing in Edinburgh should be done using a material which stays flat. This is an anti-curl material which will display your message the way you want it - so that people can read it. It’s a bit more expensive, but you will be able to use it for years.