Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Some Basic Mistakes to Avoid When Ordering Signs

If you need signage in Edinburgh, you will obviously need to use a printer that specialises in signs because many printers don't actually produce signs as they don't have the equipment to handle it.

When ordering a sign to be produced, many people make some basic mistakes, which may not be obvious to them, but can nonetheless make the sign virtually useless. You have to remember that people don't have long to read your sign – a passing motorist will only have two to three seconds at most.

This means that your message must be clear and easily understood within that space of time. Your sign must tell the reader clearly what it is that you do or what you are offering. You need to use large clear fonts, and they must be professional looking, not some of the fancy fonts that can be found. However, don't use too many different fonts. Sign makers in Edinburgh will tell you that a sign should have no more than two.

A survey found that adding colour increass the impact of a sign by 78%. So by all means use bright colours, but make certain that your message can be read. Use a light background with dark lettering or the other way around, but remember that white on black is proven to be 7% harder to read than black on white. You are best off with a lighter background and darker print.

One other mistake is using all capital letters. This is something else that has been proven: upper and lower case is easier to read at a distance than all upper case.

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